Review the services below and let’s see how we can help you get you back to LIVING YOUR LIFE in as MUCH COMFORT AS POSSIBLE!

With headaches being the one of the most common reasons patients visit a doctor, for many, alternative care is a vital choice. Hundreds of millions of work days are lost each year due to headaches with a cost in the tens of billions. For those unwilling to resort to medications every time they have a headache, chiropractic may identify the treatable cause.
Headaches come in many varieties. We will discuss some of the more common types
Chiropractors, like other doctors, cannot diagnose or treat patients without examining them in person. The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only. If you are concerned about actual symptoms or complaints, consult with your own chiropractor.

Neck pain can have many causes. Chronic pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Neck pain is the third most common pain behind back pain and headaches. The natural chiropractic approach to neck pain is to locate the structural distortion in the spine and to relieve the nerve interference in that region.
Here are some of the more common problems:
Chiropractors, like other doctors, cannot diagnose or treat patients without examining them in person. The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only. If you are concerned about actual symptoms or complaints, consult with your own chiropractor.

The shoulder joint has more motion than any other joint in the body. But, with increased motion comes decreased stability. That is what the head of the humerus (arm bone) looks like as it sits in the small, shallow groove of the scapula called the glenoid fossa.
Here’s a couple of the most common shoulder issues:
Chiropractors, like other doctors, cannot diagnose or treat patients without examining them in person. The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only. If you are concerned about actual symptoms or complaints, consult with your own chiropractor.
Arm & Wrist

Arm and wrist pain may be due to herniated discs in the neck irritating the spinal nerves, trigger points which are a hyperirritable spot within a skeletal muscle that can refer pain to a specific region, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Let’s look more closely at these causes:
Chiropractors, like other doctors, cannot diagnose or treat patients without examining them in person. The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only. If you are concerned about actual symptoms or complaints, consult with your own chiropractor.
Mid Back

The mid back is called the thoracic spine which contains 12 vertebrae. Our ribs attach to these vertebrae. Besides protection of the organs, the ribs give our mid back more rigidity. Thus, it is not injured as often or as severely as the neck and lower back which are more freely movable.
We will go over a few of the most common conditions:
Chiropractors, like other doctors, cannot diagnose or treat patients without examining them in person. The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only. If you are concerned about actual symptoms or complaints, consult with your own chiropractor.
Lower Back

Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease 2010. As much as 80% of the population will experience a back issue at some point of their lives. Back pain is also the second most common reason for doctor visits.
We will review some of the most common lower back pain causes:
Chiropractors, like other doctors, cannot diagnose or treat patients without examining them in person. The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only. If you are concerned about actual symptoms or complaints, consult with your own chiropractor.
Leg & Knee

Leg and knee pain may be due to herniated discs in the lower back, trigger points which are a hyperirritable spot within a skeletal muscle that can refer pain to a specific region, bursitis of the hip, shin splints and meniscus tears.
Let’s look at these common causes of leg and knee pain:
Chiropractors, like other doctors, cannot diagnose or treat patients without examining them in person. The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only. If you are concerned about actual symptoms or complaints, consult with your own chiropractor.
Additional Conditions, Care, & Treatments
Pregnancy Care
Chiropractic has been…
Chiropractic has been proven to be safe and effective during pregnancy. Many changes take place in the musculoskeletal system as the abdomen protrudes. The center of gravity changes in the pelvic joints which can lead to an increases curve (lordosis) and misalignments and subluxations. Hormones cause relaxation of the ligaments and widening of the pelvis. This can lead to lower back pain. Roughly, half of women complain of low back pain during pregnancy. Also, the head and shoulders come forward placing more stress on the upper back and neck regions. This can lead to neck and upper back pain, headaches and insomnia.
Chiropractic can help to correct subluxations (misalignments in the spine that cause nerve interference) leading to better alignment and muscle balance. Chiropractic may help reduce the need for pain killers during pregnancy and lead to a more natural and comfortable delivery. There are even Chiropractic techniques that may help with correction of breech deliveries.
Fun Fact
The brain and the spinal cord are one of the first things to develop in the embryo-around 21 days after conception.
Chiropractors, like other doctors, cannot diagnose or treat patients without examining them in person. The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only. If you are concerned about actual symptoms or complaints, consult with your own chiropractor.
The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is the articulation of the round condyles of the mandible (jaw bone) and the mandibular fossa (shallow depressions) of the skull. Each side of the TMJ contains a disc similar to those in our spine. The discs are elliptical and concave on both sides to provide smooth motion of the joints. They are commonly injured in this disorder. The TMJ is controlled by muscles called the masseter which closes the mouth and jaw as well as bringing it forwards and backwards, temporalis which closes and brings the mouth and jaw backwards, medial pterygoid which closes the jaw and mouth as well as bringing it forwards and side to side and the lateral pterygoid which opens the jaw and mouth and brings it side to side. Causes of TMJ include arthritis of the joint, misalignment of the teeth and jaw, teeth grinding, trauma to the jaw, whiplash, poor posture and excessive gum chewing. Symptoms of TMJ are clicking or popping of the jaw, earaches, headaches, pain in the face, ear, jaw or mouth, limitation of jaw motion, pain in the neck or shoulders and painful chewing. A thorough dental exam is recommended. There also seems to be a close link between the cervical spine (neck) and the TMJ. In one study, 88% of patients with TMJ complained of neck pain. The chiropractic approach is evaluation of the upper cervical (neck) and occiput (base of skull) region for subluxations, muscle examination for trigger points especially the lateral pterygoid and masseter, evaluation of proper TMJ motion and postural examination.
Fun Fact
Nail biting, gum chewing and smoking can all contribute to TMJ. Geez..what vices do we have left.
Chiropractors, like other doctors, cannot diagnose or treat patients without examining them in person. The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only. If you are concerned about actual symptoms or complaints, consult with your own chiropractor.