CBP technique stresses optimum posture and spinal alignment as its primary goals. Based on the “Harrison Spinal Model” after its developer, the model is based on average geometric shapes and spinal segmental angles. Correction of faulty posture is based on mirror imaging with many, many combinations of postural distortions possible. X- ray analysis is utilized in this technique as well as the Cartesian coordinate system.
Also known as toggle recoil technique. The focus is on the upper cervical spine (C1 and C2). Treatment in this area may address problems throughout the entire body. It is known that the brainstem extends down to the second cervical vertebrae (C2). The brainstem controls the flow of messages between the brain and the rest of the body. It controls body functions such as breathing, swallowing, heart rate, blood pressure and consciousness. So, you can see the importance of the location of the top two vertebrae in the spine. Also, the top three nerves in the neck may be major causes of headaches. This is one of the most common symptoms that patients present to chiropractors with.
This is a specific technique that utilizes mechanical and hands on adjusting using a special table. The problematic spinal or sacroiliac region is flexed and tractioned. This technique is used many times for reduction of disc herniations and bulges. The combination of flexion and traction causes a negative pressure within the discs causing a vacuum effect. Rotation and lateral flexion can also be incorporated to accommodate lateral disc herniations affecting one leg or another. This technique may reduce or eliminate the need for neck or back surgery. Flexion Distraction also aids to increase mobility of the spinal joints.
A specialized hand performed technique that focuses on posterior to anterior adjusting rather than rotation. It utilizes x-ray analysis to help determine clinical decision making. This technique can help determine the exact correction needed if there is an anatomically (true) short leg present. Some scoliosis may be due to a short leg. A heel lift may be needed in some cases to correct the short leg side.
This is the most commonly used technique in chiropractic. This is a high-velocity, low amplitude thrust that usually results is cavitation (gas released from a liquid) of a joint. The objective is to restore proper motion and alignment of the joint as subluxation (misalignment) of these can be a true cause of pain and future degeneration.
Spinal Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA) is a procedure that primarily originated in the late 1930’s. Documentation regarding the success has been recorded in the literature since 1948. The procedure is used for mostly chronic musculoskeletal disorders that have not responded well to care or have plateaued. Indications for MUA are bulging or herniated discs without free fragment, failed low back surgery, frozen articulations, restricted motion, whiplash type injuries and compression injuries with or without radiculopathy.
If, after a thorough history and examination, you are deemed a candidate for MUA, a medical clearance must be obtained. The procedure is performed in a surgical center with a team approach applied. There are two doctors performing the MUA with an anesthesiologist and a nurse present as well.
MUA has been clinically proven effective with Siehl reporting on the largest clinical trial of 723 patients with 70% having good results, 25% with fair results and only 4% requiring surgical intervention. West et al reported a 68% reversal in patients out of work before MUA and those returning to unrestricted activities at 6 months post MUA totaled 64.1%. There was a 58.4% reduction in patients regarding prescription pain medications from pre-MUA period to 6 months after MUA.

The chiropractic adjustments employed are light-force techniques. Children’s joints are not fully formed yet and are more flexible than adults. The adjustments must be lighter and quicker. Young immune systems are not fully formed until they are around 7 years of age. Adjustments may help to strengthen the child’s immune system during this weakened phase while they are constantly exposed to germs and viruses.
Seniors spines are usually more fragile with osteopenia and osteoporosis being common. Also, their joints are more arthritic. Special care must be given so as to alleviate their symptoms while being gentle at the same time.
This is adjusting to joints other than the spine such as the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, feet and toes. Problems in these areas can be the result of sports injuries, work/motor vehicle accidents or overuse syndromes from work.
Chiropractic analysis and evaluation of disc herniations will help determine which patients may respond favorably to disc reduction therapy. Herniated discs may extend straight back, to the left, to the right, on the inside of the nerve root or on the outside of the nerve root. This can irritate or directly compress the nerves as they exit in-between the vertebrae. This can cause pain, radiation, numbness or tingling.
The therapy must be tailored to the direction of the disc displacement.
This technique is used during pregnancy. It is a specific chiropractic pelvic and sacral analysis and adjustment. The purpose of the adjustment is to help balance the pelvic muscles and ligaments which in turn reduces torsion on the uterus. This can lead to a more optimum fetal position. Pelvic and sacral subluxation (misalignment which causes nerve interference) may contribute to difficult labor for the mother (dystocia). Subluxations may affect uterine function, pelvic contraction and the baby’s malpresentation.
This technique utilizes triangular-shaped blocks placed under the patient’s pelvis for low back pain relief. It is a gentle alternative to other techniques for the pelvis that may work very well for the elderly. It is based upon 3 different categories of imbalance. The technique can also be used for the head, neck, knee, hip and shoulder.
This chiropractic technique uses a special table with several segments called drop pieces. The spine or pelvis that is restricted or out of position is placed on the table in a specific location. A thrust to the region is applied with the table dropping a fraction of an inch. The reason for the technique is to open or mobilize the joint during the adjustment. This may also help to decrease an increased angle in the sacrum which can contribute to persistent low back pain. There is also an abdominal piece on the table which can lock down so pregnant patients may lie on their stomach for treatment.